Wednesday, January 17, 2024

You can do it yourself

If people knew how to repair their electronic devices, they would be able to save a lot of money. Instead of paying someone to repair their stuff, they can learn with humility how to do it themselves. Nowadays, with so many sites on the internet, people can do a search for some of these sites, find the one that appeals to them most, and use it to get greater insights into how to repair about any electronic apparatus. One of my favorite sites is YouTube. I have used it several times. And it has been a great help to me. We've got to realize that gone are the days when you had to call in the technician or the repairman to fix everything. Now, we can do it for ourselves, and at the same time, we learn something new. This really makes life interesting. Don't you think?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Seven Senses and our safety

Interestingly, we have been taught that we humans have 5 senses. This of course, in my opinion, refers to the 5 basic senses that we all possess. These are the ability to see, to hear, to smell, to feel, and to taste. The human body has been created with sensory receptors that permit us to sense what's happening around us. These senses are our watchdogs that look out for us wherever we are 24 hours a day and serve as our personal security mechanisms to alert us of what's going on around us. But they're not the only ones. We also have 2 more senses that are subtly at work on our behalf: intuition and common sense. When the other 5 senses fail to detect what's happening, any one of these 2 may kick in and do the job of alerting us. Intuition works like a little voice inside of us that tells us what's going on, or what is. Without any prior knowledge or information, that little inner voice speaks to us and, because of it we know what is. The other sense is what people generally refer to as common sense. According to Cambridge Dictionary online, common sense is "the basic level of practical knowledge and judgement that we all need to help us live in a reasonable and safe way." So, while intuition is a sense that functions at the subconcious level, common sense functions at the concious level. With it, we are able to make sound decisions based on the knowledge and experience we have, and these decisions may sometimes serve to protect us or to put us on guard for our own safety. Of course, they also help us to decide what to do in certain situations that we encounter in life. All seven senses form part of the human experience and are necessary for our survival: physically, psychologically, emotionally, socially, etc. Some people have one or more of these senses more active and more functional than others. So one person may smell something that another may not be able to perceive in a particular environment. Or one person's intuition may lead him or her to correctly detect what's happening, whereas another in the same circumstance may not be able to discover that. In any case, this just goes to show why as humans we need each other. So if my senses fail to function at some particular time, the other person's senses may alert him or her to what's happening, and they just communicate that to the other(s) wnich can help us all to be safe or to take precautionary measures to be safe.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Governing in the 21st century

What's happening in our world is a question we hear almost daily by people who are overly concerned about the social and political turmoils that many countries are facing today. Countries are marred by social unrest, violence, unemployment, etnic tensions, among others. One supposes that the government is there to govern for the good and well being of the people - by putting in place policies and programs that would alleviate existing problems, relieve social and political tensions, and elevate the life of its people. A government must demonstrate to its people that it's accomplishing this. There is a time factor involved also - when people must begin to see some evidence of positive results. The people set this time factor, not the government. People would say, for example, that the government has been in power now for so long, and we haven't begun to see any changes or new programs that address our concerns. They, somehow, give the government time to realize this. But if after such time, they cannot see anything of what they would have been expecting, the tendency is to revolt. But this is a process. A revolt does not start overnight. This process usually begins by people seeking audience with the powers that be, to address their concerns and look for a peaceful and amicable solution. But if a government does not want to listen to its people and take their concerns seriously, and if a government wants to impose its own policies and programs on its people without sensible consultation, it would be paving the road for more serious problems later on. Gone are the days when people would remain dormant, and not raise their voices at issues that really mean a lot to them. We now live in a new world: a world that is more outspoken on just about any issue that concerns them, a world that is more united than ever in many aspects, a world that is more daring to challenge authorities in the face of unlikeable situations. And the government that doesn't understand this, and that isn't open to dialogue and responsible change is doomed to fail. Remember, at the end of the day, power is in the hands of the people. We cannot rule this 21st century world with 20th century governments. This new order requires new rules. As the world continues to change, goverments must also evolutionize with the times. They ought to always seek the harmony, peace, and growth of their peoples.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A New Strain of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that many of its victims are unaware they have until it has gone into an advanced stage. Even if it is discovered in an early stage, there's no guarantee that it can be overcome. But one thing we all know is that cancer causes suffering and finally death. And who likes that? In the world today, there's a new type of cancer. Most of us are victims of it. This new type of cancer is 'the credit card'. Many are the people who have gotten entangled in the fibers of this ever-growing cancer, that before long they realize that there's really no way out. So many have lost their houses, cars, and even their lives - all because of credit cards that have got out of control. So, is it possible to deal with this gran monstrous disease? Of course it's possible if it's detected at an early enough stage. First you have to understand the nature of this disease called Credit Card. Then you have to really and honestly want out. Then, you must speak with your credit card assesors and ask for a manageable restructuring of your credit. You would need to do this at least one card at a time, or two or three if you can handle them. Make your payments faithfully. And when you are finished, start with other cards. Someday, you will be out of the woods. You will eventually conquer this disease. Try it. It really works, but it'll require some sacrifice on your part. Never mind the sacrifice. It's worth it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Life's the greatest teacher

Yesterday I took a bus to go somewhere and the passenger who was sitting next to me was chatting with me, though not to my liking. But he asked me a question, "Do you always travel alone?" to which I responded, "Yes." The passenger asked me why and I told the person that it gives me time to reflect on the things of life. Ever so often we are so busy thinking about what we are doing, what we have done, or what we are going to do. But, do we ever take time off for ourselves? Do we ever take the time to reflect on the things that happen around us to see what we can learn from them? You know, just a few hours ago while I was taking a shower, the soap slipped out of my hands and fell. Every time I tried to grab it, it would go further away. So I thought, "wow, look at that!" For just a few seconds I couldn't get a hold of the slippery soap. And I thought, "What can I learn from that?" What came to mind immediately was "words". We speak sometimes amiss. Like the soap, words may slip out of our mouths, but when we reflect on what we've said we realize that it was a slip of the tongue. The problem is that words can be dangerous. Slippery words can be very dangerous. They may get us into trouble if we're not careful. So, if we mistakenly say something we should quickly correct it before the little flame that it may light burns a whole city. You know, when the soap fell, I had to bend over towards the floor to pick it up. So when we perceive that our slippery words may affect someone or change the status quo negatively, we should humbly do whatever we can to deal with it. As I've said, life's the greatest teacher! Isn't it?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Be Helpful

One of the most important values of life that many may not give much importance to is being helpful. Earlier today, I needed to make some photocopies of a few pages from a book, but the copy machine in my office wasn't working very well. So I went to a different department and asked the secretary there to do me the favor. She was a bit busy and asked me to wait a while.  So I did. While she was making the copies, she had to take various pauses to answer the telephone, send faxes, etc. Then she commented to me that she was really busy with so many things to do, but for her it wasn't a problem making the copies for me because she believes in helping. She said she loves to help whenever she has the oportunity to do so. But she also commented that not everyone is like that. And this is so true. We come across people like that ever so often who are not disposed to helping any one. How much would it cost you to reach out to someone who needs your service or needs a little of your time? Even if we have a lot  to do, a few seconds of our time can make a difference for someone and eventually for us. We should remember that being helpful would go a long way for us and for the person. Being helful makes the world go round. We need it. Everyone needs it at some time. Let's be helpful when we can.