Saturday, October 27, 2012

A New Strain of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that many of its victims are unaware they have until it has gone into an advanced stage. Even if it is discovered in an early stage, there's no guarantee that it can be overcome. But one thing we all know is that cancer causes suffering and finally death. And who likes that? In the world today, there's a new type of cancer. Most of us are victims of it. This new type of cancer is 'the credit card'. Many are the people who have gotten entangled in the fibers of this ever-growing cancer, that before long they realize that there's really no way out. So many have lost their houses, cars, and even their lives - all because of credit cards that have got out of control. So, is it possible to deal with this gran monstrous disease? Of course it's possible if it's detected at an early enough stage. First you have to understand the nature of this disease called Credit Card. Then you have to really and honestly want out. Then, you must speak with your credit card assesors and ask for a manageable restructuring of your credit. You would need to do this at least one card at a time, or two or three if you can handle them. Make your payments faithfully. And when you are finished, start with other cards. Someday, you will be out of the woods. You will eventually conquer this disease. Try it. It really works, but it'll require some sacrifice on your part. Never mind the sacrifice. It's worth it.